Being found, staying visible and building traffic on the Net today takes more than a great site. Traffic generation and visibility management demand a multifaceted approach to search engine optimizaton (SEO).
SEO can be performed as a part of a site development project or to an already created site. Each page element is scrutinized and rated by complex search engine scoring algorithms for your chosen keywords. That data is then used to make the necessary changes to help your page climb to the top of the search engine rankings.
Do-It-Yourself SEO. We recommend a powerful suite of search engine optimization tools in cooperation with First Place Software.
Promote your site with Website Promotions
This bundle of tools include a keyword popularity tool, a META tag generator, a tool that tells you how to improve your page for search engine ranking, a submission tool, and a tool to track your progress in the search engines.
We can also provide the following Internet services to enhance the look, feel and usability of your site:
- Multimedia content - Flash / Real Audio / Real Video
- Webcasting / Webcams
- Integrated Site Search
- E-commerce
- Banner Ads
Choose the right keyword phrases!
"Target the wrong keywords and all your efforts will be in vain."
Brent Winters, President
FirstPlace Software, Inc.
Some people achieve a top 10 placement in a major search engine and get plenty of traffic. Others do the same but get nothing. Why?
Simple. The first group selected keywords that many people are searching on, and the second did not!
Discover the right keywords, and you'll see your traffic skyrocket!